
Official VLAIO service provider

Do your employees recognise hacking attempts? How difficult is it to access your IT systems? Do you want to prepare your company for ISO information security certification? With a cybersecurity programme, you strengthen your SME’s resilience. Avoid becoming a hacking … Read More

Apogado services available via the KMO portefeuille!

Are you an SME in Flanders? Good news! Apogado is recognized as a kmo-portefeuille service provider for consultancy in information security, business continuity and more. Take advantage of the ‘kmo-portefeuille’ and save up to 30% on our services and even … Read More

Apogado launches series of Webinars for local governments

With a target audience of local governments, we are launching a series of free webinars on the topics of information security, security policy, how to avoid vendor lock-in, how to integrate authentic sources, etc. Please contact us for more info.

Apogado provides evening engineers & privacy – ie-net.

In collaboration with the ie-net engineering association (KVIV), Apogado will give an evening caussion in two parts (November 22 and December 6) on engineers and privacy. Every engineer has to deal with personal data and sensitive data. The engineer-researcher often … Read More

Apogado wins the trust of the city of Kortrijk

GDPR, privacy and information security for local authorities?Apogado wins the trust of the City of Kortrijk through a Smart Cities framework contract, accessible to all nominally included local authorities! Is your local government still looking for a partner to tackle … Read More

Integration with authentic sources? Connect & forget via Apogado’s eGovConnector!

Apogado’s eGovConnector allows seamless integration with authentic sources from various governments. In Belgium, we currently integrate with the national register (Rijksregister), VKBO (company information), and CRAB (geo-information). Various cities are already using the Apogado eGovConnector to couple their internal applications with these … Read More